As human beings, we tend to be creatures of habit. This is especially apparent when it comes to the foods we eat.  All too often we stick to rigid conventions about what foods constitute breakfast versus lunch or dinner items.  Since going vegan, I’ve thrown these conventions aside, having things like soup or even a leftover brisket of seitan for breakfast. Today, instead of my regular “Ooohmega Oats” breakfast, I threw my fiber/omega mix into a different grain base, opting to have quinoa for breakfast today.  (I know quinoa is technically a seed and not a grain, but you know what I meant.) It was a delightful and very satisfying variation on the same theme. Prep time: 5 minutes Cooking time: 20 minutes Servings: 2 large servings Ingredients 1 cup quinoa (traditional) 2 cups of unsweetened almond milk (or any nut or grain milk of your choice) 1/4 tsp salt

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