This Lemon Chick’n is not the Lemon Chicken that is so popular in American Chinese restaurants or mall food court Chinese stands.  This recipe came to us by way of Ethan’s bubby. Ethan made it for me once when we were first dating.  However, Ethan, not being a fan of eating chickens never made it again. Fast forward many years to the advent of Beyond Meat Chicken Free Strips. Shortly after we tried Beyond Meat for the first time, the Lemon Chicken recipe miraculously reappeared. I just needed to veganize it. I needed something to adhere the breading to the strips.  I found using a mixture of flax seeds and water to be the best option. This is a great recipe to make when preparing a meal for both adults and children.  You can stop this recipe after frying the Beyond Meat strips, set some aside and have a great

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