I have not enjoyed a mango lassie in over seven years. Given that they’re usually made with cream, milk and even sometimes clotted cream, this was one of the many things that I just assumed that I would have to give up when I went vegan. Oh, how I was wrong!

I whipped this together and under two minutes this morning using our Vitamix blender. In truth, any blender will do. I enjoy the flavor of soy yogurt and soy milk but this can obviously be easily made using the nut milk and yogurt of your choice.


1/2 C frozen organic mango chunks
6 oz vanilla yogurt (I used Whole Soy and Company’s)
8 oz vanilla soy milk
Pinch of cardamom
Pinch of dried shredded coconut


Combine all ingredients in the blender and blend until creamy and smooth. Top with a dusting of Cardamom and a pinch of shredded coconut.

