As many of your know, we are proud supporters of Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary (WFAS). Now into it’s 10th year, Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary shelters over 300 animals who have all been rescued from a variety of backgrounds of abuse and neglect. The sanctuary is one of the country’s most recognized and respected sanctuaries for farmed animals. They do hands-on work rescuing, rehabilitating and caring for farmed animal refugees while advocating on behalf of farmed animals everywhere through educational tours and outreach events.
The sanctuary will be moving this year into a larger property closer to New York City where they will be able to expand their capacity, take on rescuing more animals and doing their amazing work in outreach and education. However, all of this is possible only with the support of kind, compassionate folks like you who love animals as much as we do.
We are honored to be on the host committee for the upcoming fundraiser and we want to invite you to join us!
The event will be next Wednesday, January 14th at The Alexander Gray Associates Gallery in Chelsea, New York City from 6 – 8 pm. Food will be catered by the world famous New York City vegan restaurant, Blossom. At this event, you can meet our friends Doug and Jenny, co-founders of the sanctuary, as well as many other movers-and-shakers in the world of animal rights advocacy and veganism.
You can learn more about Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary here and you can purchase your tickets to the fundraiser here.
We sincerely hope you’ll come out and join us for a fun and uplifting evening with fabulous people, in a stunning gallery supporting an amazing cause whose core values are aligned with our and yours: Compassion, caring and justice.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Ethan & Michael

Michael feeding his buddy, Dylan. In August 2005, Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary got a call from concerned neighbors about the treatment of just-born calves on a dairy farm in Hoosick Falls, NY. As is the norm in the dairy industry, adult females (a.k.a “milkers”) are kept almost continuously pregnant to maximize production. As a newborn, Dylan was separated from his mother after just 48 hours. As a male he had no future at the dairy farm, and as a Holstein (dairy) breed he had no future to become beef. His destiny instead was to become veal. He was found tied to a post, laying in his own feces, a day away from being auctioned off. A kind and concerned local couple wanted to make a difference in at least one life, so they talked the farmer into giving him up and they brought him to the sanctuary. As a veal calf, Dylan would have been confined in a box/crate for six miserable months before being slaughtered for his flesh. Now, he gets to live out the 20+ years of a normal lifespan for a cow in the safety of the Sanctuary, where he will always be cared for and he will always feel love instead of neglect from his human caretakers.Ethan & Michael

Ethan and his friend Jack, Rescued from a Brooklyn slaughterhouse where he and a female, Joy, were being used to breed goats for slaughter. Jack is living out his life in peace and tranquility, learning to trust people again.