This Chocolate Mousse recipe was influenced by JL Fields and The Great British Baking Show. For the past few months, I haven’t felt like doing much of anything. I have recently been watching old episodes of GBBS and feeling inspired to start getting back into the kitchen. Following a binge watching session of GBBS, I pulled out my copy of JL’s book Vegan Baking for Beginners and made her recipe for Meringue Drops. I successfully completed that challenge (although I do need to work on my piping). Following my success, I felt energized to take it one step further. I realized I could use JL’s meringues as a base to make a vegan version of my old chocolate mousse recipe. Before I get to the recipe, I want to add a New Year’s Day thought. We see so many people waking up on January 1st saying things like, “this is

If you are following us on Instagram (and I really don’t know why you wouldn’t be; we’re delightful and you’ll see lots of photos of Charlie, Penny and us too), then you know Ethan has taken up making sourdough bread since the pandemic began. This Panzanella Salad recipe came about out of desire to use up all the ends from the sourdough boules that Ethan has been making weekly. Even though we are now back at work, Ethan is still baking using the starter he made from scratch that we named Lucille. Every Sunday, Ethan makes two loaves of delicious sourdough to last us through the week. We work our way through the loaves only to be left with end pieces that are too small to use for sandwiches or breakfast toast. I made croutons with some, but even if we had salads every day, we would not get through

For as long as Ethan and I have known her, JL Fields has never ceased to amaze us. When she started her blog, she was very clear to say, “I am not a chef.” However, with 6 cookbooks under her belt, we can call agree JL can cook. JL also likes to say, “I am not a baker.” She is going to have to stop saying that now with the release of book number 7: Vegan Baking for Beginners. Sorry to break it to you JL, but you are a baker now too. Vegan Baking for Beginners is a must have for anyone who likes baked goods. More importantly, if you are someone who thinks you can’t bake, then this Vegan Baking for Beginners is really for you. After all, who better to teach us how to bake than someone who doesn’t think she is a baker? Because this is

Happy new year, everyone! We hope that 2020 will be a joyous, health-filled, prosperous and peaceful vegan year for you and yours. After much consideration, we have decided to take a hiatus from VeganMos. As you can imagine, keeping up with 3 social media accounts with a combined following of over 35,000 followers is a lot of work. Add to this our heartfelt commitment to bring you new recipes and reviews, and you can see how VeganMos has turned into a full time (non-paying) project. The challenge has been that we already have careers, working together as we run our own podiatric medical practice. In the past few years, we’ve been stretched too thinly to feel good about the job we’re doing in either of these roles. Though it remains a passion project for us, VeganMos needs to be sidelined for a while as we refocus on our practice, and

Mac & Cheese is the ultimate comfort food. The quest for a vegan mac & cheese is one that many of us have embarked on and with luck, find a recipe that is just what we are craving. Now, that quest is over. In her new book, Vegan Mac & Cheese, Robin Robertson has over 50, yes, you read that correctly, OVER 50 recipes for this holy grail of food. The recipes range from the basic Mac & Cheese to more exotic tastes like Indian Curry Mac. If we want to add more veggies into our meal, there is an entire chapter for veggie loaded dishes like Buffalo Cauliflower Mac and Arugula Pesto UnCheese. Robin further elevates this classic food by taking it out of the casserole dish for such delectable creations like Mac and Cheese Balls, Waffled Mac and Cheese, and Cheesy Mac Muffins. Check out this recipe for

I am a gay man who was born two summers after The Stonewall Riots and I have lived my entire life through the span of the modern LGBTQ rights movement. On this 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, and as we celebrate World Pride here where it all began in my home of New York City, I have been thinking about all the progress the LGBTQ community has made in the past half century. I have seen the pendulum of public perception of LGBTQ folks swing both ways in my lifetime and I can honestly say that the progress we’ve made has been for two essential reasons; because we never stopped protesting, marching and fighting for our rights, and because our we had straight, non-LGBTQ allies who got in the fight with us. Allies make all the difference to oppressed individuals. When any group of individuals are being singled out,

Merriman Webster defines epic (adjective) as: extending beyond the usual or ordinary especially in size or scope. So, when a book has the word epic in the title, an expectation is immediately created that the book will exceed what is anticipated. Epic Vegan is the forthcoming second book by our friend and vegan superstar Dustin Harder, AKA The Vegan Roadie, and it not only meets our expectations, it transcends them.