If there is one food that has seen a huge rise in popularity on the internet, it is bacon. Look at any social media site and you are sure to see a number of posts about bacon. If you are vegan and post a photo about pigs, almost invariably, someone will comment, “mmm, bacon,” or “but bacon.” Trying to reason with these bacon eaters is a futile effort. The combination of salt, fat, sweet and smoke is very powerful. However, thanks to Leinana Two Moons’ new book, Baconish, we vegans can satisfy our taste buds, not harm any animals, and not negatively impact our health or the environment . It’s a win-win. I also feel a slight personal connection to Baconish, because when Leianna writes about how the book came to be, she mentions eating at Aux Vivres in Montreal in 2010, and trying coconut bacon there for the first time. Ethan and I had that exact same experience in 2011. Now, thanks to Leinana and Baconish, I can make coconut bacon anytime I want.
Anytime I see something about pig bacon, I think back to when I was little and my mom would cook it. After the bacon was cooked, she would pour the melted fat into a glass jar to cool before throwing it out. I once asked her why she didn’t just pour it down the drain. She told me that it would clog the pipes if she did that. So the fat from pig bacon was fine for my arteries, but not for the pipes in the house, got it. With the recipes in Baconish, there is no worry about animal fat clogging your pipes.
Before delving into the delicious recipes for all things bacony, Leinana gives a, “Top Ten Reasons to Eat Vegan Bacon” in which she mentions everything from how great bacon tastes, to the adverse health effects of processed animal flesh, and how smart pigs are. In these 10 points, Leinana quickly disarms anyone who will try to make a case for eating bacon made from animals. (side note, purely coincidentally, I am wearing my “Bacon Had a Mom” t-shirt as I write this).

Available at Herbivore Clothing.
The first chapter of Baconish, Meet the Bacons, has recipes for 13, yes THIRTEEN, different types of plant based bacon.Leinana shows how to make bacon from the standard vegan trio of tofu, tempeh, and seitan, as well as from plants like carrots, eggplant, and of course, coconut. Armed with these recipes, you will be able to make all the tasty plant based bacon you want. Once you have your bacon made, the deliciousness continues with recipes to take it from breakfast all the way to dessert. Baconish literally has a recipe for every meal and course. Unlike pig bacon which is generally a breakfast side side or sandwich topping, Leianna provides recipes for using vegetable bacon all day long. You can start your day with Bacon-Apple Fritters, enjoy Loaded Potato Soup with Bacon, a French Lentil Salad with Tofu Bacon Lardons and a Croque Monsieur for lunch, dine on Tofu Bacon Carbonara with a side of Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Shallots for dinner, and then end your day with some Chocolate-Peanut Bacon Truffles. Not only will you be pleasantly full after all of this, but you have the added bonus of knowing no animals were harmed, no environmental damage was done and you didn’t consume any triglycerides or animal fats that would raise your cholesterol levels. Just imagine what it would feel like if you ate that much pig bacon in one day.
Don’t just take my word for it, check out this recipe for Chocolate Chip Coffee Cake with Cherries and Bacon.
(Recipes © Leinana Two Moons, Baconish,Vegan Heritage Press, LLC., May 2016, reprinted by permission. Photos by Anthony Two Moons andLeinana Two Moons)
Baconish is a great gift for the bacon-lover in your life. Amaze your bacon eating friends and family with the dishes in Baconish, they won’t believe they aren’t eating pig bacon. The next time you see someone say, “mmm bacon,” simply smile and reply, “Baconish.”