When we think of classic “all American” foods, Mac and Cheese and Hotdogs come to mind. We combine them to create an All American Mac and Cheese.

Early last fall, our good friends Nick & Liz friends had heard about the Beyond Burger from Beyond Meat and were very curious to try it. Having tried the Impossible Burger, they wanted to see how the Beyond Burger compared. We happily told them to come over for a Burger Brunch. This coincided with their needing a dog sitter to watch their sweet little Sandy while they went away for the night. As Sandy is one of the few dogs that our Riley likes, we were more than happy to host her for the night. With that all settled, Ethan and I needed to figure out what to serve with the burgers. In stead of making French Fries, I thought potato chips would be a better a idea. Sure, we could have just run to the grocery store and picked up a bag of any one of a wide variety of chips,