When I was an omnivore, I occasionally would use protein powders and shakes to supplement my dietary intake of protein.  Mostly, I did this when I was mixing up my workouts at the gym, trying to pack on a few more pounds of muscle or trying to “cut up” and get more defined, lean muscle.  Since becoming vegan, I have tried many of the vegan protein powders available.  Unfortunately, I found most of them quite lacking in the taste department, some even tasted like dirt.  No thanks.  Moreover, while I love the Builder’s Bars from Clif bar company, I don’t always want to eat a bar.  Please note, not all Builder’s Bars are vegan, be sure to read the list of ingredients when buying them. Last month, when we went to ThanksLiving at Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary we received gift bags as we were leaving.  In each bag was a

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