Candle 79 located on Manhattan’s upper east side has been the standard bearer for vegan fine dining for over 13 years.

When Michael and I heard about the new vegan egg by the amazing folks at Follow Your Heart, we simply had to get it. When I went vegan six years ago this week, my last non-vegan food hold-outs were cow’s milk in my coffee and chickens’ eggs. It’s been six years and I have to say, I haven’t really missed them at all. But when I tried the vegan egg, it brought back something I had long since given up. We decided to do it live this morning on Periscope (Twitter’s live video feed) and it was…. well, see for yourselves: Consider this: The average cost of a carton of 12 chickens’ eggs in the US is currently $1.87 and each egg has nearly 200 mg of cholesterol. The maximum recommended daily allowance for dietary cholesterol is a max of 300 mg per day. That means, in less than one and

Today, The Supreme Court of the United States issued its ruling in the case of Obergefell v. Hodges, effectively making marriage equality the law of the land. As someone who came out in the early 1990’s, the reality of today’s ruling was something I always hoped for, but never allowed myself to expect. It’s been quite a struggle for us to gain this equal right. Because of the litany of so-called “Defense of Marriage” Amendments to various states’ Constitutions, it often seemed more likely than not, that marriage equality would exist for some, but not all Americans. Nine years ago, marriage equality was not available to Michael and me in New York. We had to travel to Canada to be legally married. While we are forever grateful to our progressive neighbor to the north for affording us this right, it still stings that we had to leave our home, our country, to secure this basic

We’ve been in Jerusalem, Israel on vacation this week and have been taking in the sights and sounds of this beautiful, complex and culturally diverse city. One of the main attractions in this town is Machane Yehuda- The open air market or “Shuk”. There are so many delights for vegans to enjoy here. We decided to take you on a tour and show just a few of them. We hope you enjoy the video, below.

Hey everybody. I have a really exciting announcement to make and I hope you’ll watch through to the end: If you can’t click the link within the video, please feel free to click here to donate to Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary to help them raise the necessary funds for them to grow into their new space and be able to rescue more animals. Thank you!

If you are reading this, then you’re likely someone who cares about animal rights, veganism, human rights, and LGBTQ rights… you’re “our people”! We want to invite you to a special event where you get to celebrate all of the above in a fabulous setting. Take a look at our video invitation And please RSVP as soon as you can as space is very limited!!!! xo, Michael & Ethan “The Vegan Mos”