For as long as Ethan and I have known her, JL Fields has never ceased to amaze us. When she started her blog, she was very clear to say, “I am not a chef.” However, with 6 cookbooks under her belt, we can call agree JL can cook. JL also likes to say, “I am not a baker.” She is going to have to stop saying that now with the release of book number 7: Vegan Baking for Beginners. Sorry to break it to you JL, but you are a baker now too.
Vegan Baking for Beginners is a must have for anyone who likes baked goods. More importantly, if you are someone who thinks you can’t bake, then this Vegan Baking for Beginners is really for you. After all, who better to teach us how to bake than someone who doesn’t think she is a baker? Because this is from JL, we know before opening the book, we are going to have fun with it. Moreover, because JL doesn’t think she is a baker, we know none of the recipes in this book will be complicated or call for hard to find specialty ingredients.
In this book, JL has recipes for all tastes from sweet to savory. She helps us stock our pantry and outfit our kitchen so we can whip up some baked goods at a moments notice. However, the best things about this book are that it takes all the mystery out of baking and gives us a heads up to common baking mishaps and how to avoid them. I have never seen that in any other cookbook. JL has truly taken all she learned in her baking adventures and passed it all on to us.
Check out her recipe for Cheez-y Green Chile Biscuits.

To help celebrate the release of JL’s book, we are giving away one copy of Vegan Baking for Beginners. To enter, click here.
Happy baking!