These Snickerdoodles are my veganized version of a recipe from my junior high school cooking class. They are easy to make and ready in a few minutes. A coating of cinnamon and sugar turn an otherwise boring cookie into a taste sensation. These cookies are great around holiday time or anytime you want a cinnamon treat.

Every year when my family would get together for “Break the Fast” following Yom Kippur, a family friend, Charles, would always bring a pistachio cake. This cake became part of the tradition. Much like a Thanksgiving meal in that you know the menu before you get there, for breaking the fast my family always has the same foods: bagels, lox, cream cheese, assorted fish, blintzes and lots of pastries, including Charles’ pistachio cake. Ethan and I now bring our own vegan cream cheese and Ethan makes his famous Chickpea Tu-No Salad, which everyone loves. A few years ago, Charles moved to Florida and was no longer around for Yom Kippur. I stepped up and took over making the blintzes, both cheese and potato, and 100% vegan. The first time I made them everyone was shocked that they contained no egg or dairy. My father now asks me to make them every year and when