For as long as Ethan and I have known her, JL Fields has never ceased to amaze us. When she started her blog, she was very clear to say, “I am not a chef.” However, with 6 cookbooks under her belt, we can call agree JL can cook. JL also likes to say, “I am not a baker.” She is going to have to stop saying that now with the release of book number 7: Vegan Baking for Beginners. Sorry to break it to you JL, but you are a baker now too. Vegan Baking for Beginners is a must have for anyone who likes baked goods. More importantly, if you are someone who thinks you can’t bake, then this Vegan Baking for Beginners is really for you. After all, who better to teach us how to bake than someone who doesn’t think she is a baker? Because this is

I am a gay man who was born two summers after The Stonewall Riots and I have lived my entire life through the span of the modern LGBTQ rights movement. On this 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, and as we celebrate World Pride here where it all began in my home of New York City, I have been thinking about all the progress the LGBTQ community has made in the past half century. I have seen the pendulum of public perception of LGBTQ folks swing both ways in my lifetime and I can honestly say that the progress we’ve made has been for two essential reasons; because we never stopped protesting, marching and fighting for our rights, and because our we had straight, non-LGBTQ allies who got in the fight with us. Allies make all the difference to oppressed individuals. When any group of individuals are being singled out,

The amount of vitriol that has been directed towards us and other vegans who have publicly broadcasted that we’ve eaten the Impossible Foods Impossible Burger has been shocking. To these “vegan purists” and “vegan police”, we respectfully remind you that there is NOTHING vegan about that. Veganism is about peacefulness, non-violence and Ahimsa. It’s not about perfection and judgment.

I’ve played around with a number of recipes over many years to figure out the exact characteristics of a lentil soup that I like and don’t like, from the seasonings to the types of lentils and the cooking time. I’m happy to say that, after years of working on this, I’ve finally come up with a recipe that takes the best of all of the lentil soups I’ve made and combines them into this gorgeously rich soup.
As a community that is rooted in compassion and committed to the belief that we all have the right to bodily integrity, this Nazi-like notion of what a “vegan” or “animal rights activist” looks like is nothing but offensive and antithetical to our movement.