Eat Like You Give A Damn, by Michelle Schwegmann and Josh Hooten is a book with heart. It is filled with wonderful information, and fantastic recipes that you want to make over and over again. This book will likely become one of the first ones you reach for on your bookshelf.

Annie and Dan Shannon, the mastermind couple behind Meet the Shannons and the cookbook Betty Goes Vegan, are back with another amazing book, Mastering the Art of Vegan Cooking (Grand Central Life & Style May 12, 2015). The book opens with a touching introduction in which Annie and Dan share a personal story of loss and how this book rose out of needing to recenter and reorganize their lives. As part of this rebuilding, they focused on 4 principles of reducing waste, spending less and getting more out of their kitchen without feeling limited: Make sure it is sustainable – if you feel like you are sacrificing too much, you won’t stick with it. Do not sacrifice quality Learning how to get more than 1 meal out of more expensive ingredients like fresh herbs, vegan meats and vegan cheeses, and reply more of staples like beans, potatoes, rice and cabbage There is more to life