Our Manhattan Glam Chowder (see what we did there), our vegan version of the iconic Manhattan Clam Chowder, is great for warming up on a cold fall day.

I’ve played around with a number of recipes over many years to figure out the exact characteristics of a lentil soup that I like and don’t like, from the seasonings to the types of lentils and the cooking time. I’m happy to say that, after years of working on this, I’ve finally come up with a recipe that takes the best of all of the lentil soups I’ve made and combines them into this gorgeously rich soup.

Split Pea Soup is something that I had always figured was off limits for vegans as I only of the old fashioned way of making it with ham bones. However, I knew there had to be a way to make Split Pea Soup vegan. I did a lot of reading on different recipes and realized making a vegan Split Pea Soup would actually be quite easy.

French onion soup topped with melted cheese was something I thought I said goodbye to when I became vegan. Traditionally made with butter, beef broth and dairy cheese, there is nothing vegan about it. However, with a little work it soon found its way back into my bowl. This soup is so rich even the most skeptical omnivore would be hard pressed to say it is not a traditional French onion soup. In fact, it is better than the traditional one as no one had to suffer or die for you to make it. Prep Time: 5 minutes Cooking Time: 1 hour, 25 minutes (this includes making the onions) Servings: 4 Ingredients: 1 Recipe Caramelized Onions 4 cups vegetable broth 1 not-beef bouillon cube 4 sprigs fresh thyme 4 slices of French bread (optional) 4 slices of vegan Jack style cheese (or mozzarella style) (optional) Directions: 1. Preheat oven to